Superbowl XL
Created at the Seattle agency where I worked at the time, this was the first HIV/AIDS awareness spot to appear in a Superbowl. (Seahawks fans are still questioning the refereeing that let the Steelers beat the Hawks 21 to 10.)
Remember Segregation
With strategic guidance from the NAACP, this “segregated” campaign was designed to teach young people about civil rights history and evoke the sting of “separate but equal.” The site won the Webby Award for activism and the campaign took a silver Lion at Cannes.
The Gill Foundation
The road to LGBTQ+ equality includes the basic right to not be fired just because you happen to be gay. This groundbreaking campaign followed the lives of real LGBTQ+ Americans who made the bold decision to come out at work.
Energy Star
A division of the EPA, Americans know Energy Star as the “seal of approval,” for energy smart consumer products. This spot took the #2 slot on ABC TV’s America’s Funniest videos.
The 8 Billion Watt Lightbulb
A video anthem for an organization devoted to research and evidence-based strategies that support gender equality in the developing world.
AIDS Knowledge Project
National Emmy Award winning campaign for best PSA, designed to generate awareness and political will to address the crisis. This campaign, alongside the efforts of One and other organizations resulted in the U.S. government committing $15 Billion to fight AIDs in the developing world.